"Child, listen to her counsels."
-Pope Leo XIII

Our Lady of Good Counsel - Sorrowful Mysteries
Cardinal Friday: Pray and Sacrifice for Cardinal Raymond L. Burke
Can I Still Meet My Future Spouse in Real Life?, by Rachel Hoover Canto at CWR
The Ultimate Book Lover's Stay: Sleep in Your Favourite Author's Home, by Madeline Weinfield at BBC
On Excommunication, by Edward Peters at Simply CatholicÂ
These Birthday Cake Recipes Are Worth Celebrating, by Kara Peeler at Sunset
How Our Trust in God Is Tested Whenever We Pray, by Philip Kosloski at Aleteia
A Commentary on Chariots of Fire: Live Excellently, by Ben Marsh at Catholic ExchangeÂ
Ask the Experts: 11 Favorite Native Plant Combinations, by Melissa Ozawa at Gardenista
The Cost-Benefit Analysis of Having A Baby, by Madeline Osburn at The Federalist
Image: Gherardo Starnina, Master of the Bambino Vispo, Florentine, about 1360