“The future of the Catholic faith belongs to those who create it with their fidelity, their self-sacrifice, their commitment to bringing new life into the world and raising their children in truth, and their determination to walk Christ’s ‘narrow way’ with joy.”

Saint Damasus I ~ Sorrowful Mysteries
Cardinal Friday: Pray and Sacrifice for Cardinal Blase J. Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago
When Was Jesus Born? Italian Researcher Puts Christ's Birth in December, 1 BC, by Edward Pentin at NCR
Small Inns with Big Charm, by Caroline Sanders, Elizabeth Hutchison Hicklin, and Kathleen Purvis at Garden & Gun
Those Who Question the Sanctity of John Paul II Don't Know What They're Talking About, by George Weigel at First Things
How to Make French Onion Soup in the Slow-Cooker, by Faith Durand at The Kitchn
Spiritual Discernment for Moms, by Jeannie Ewing at Catholic Exchange
The Holiness of the Virgin-Martyr St. Lucy, by Michael Heinlein at Simply Catholic
2020 Report: The Business Case for Abortion (As If It Were Not Obvious), by Erika Bachiochi at Mirror of Justice
We're Dreaming of an Old World Italian Christmas with Mimi Thorisson, by Lauren Wicks at Veranda