“He was created of a mother whom he created. He was carried by hands that he formed. He cried in the manger in wordless infancy. He, the word, without whom all human eloquence is mute.”

Blessed Anthony Grassi ~ Sorrowful Mysteries
Cardinal Friday: Pray and Sacrifice for Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston
Human Rights Campaign Wants Christians to Abandon Beliefs or Lose Accreditation, by Nicole Russell at The Stream
Our Favorite Family Board Games, by Melissa at The Inspired Room
Covenant and the Law, by Robin Burk at American Greatness
33 Genius Edible Holiday Gifts (with Semi-Handy Wrapping Tips), by Kristen Miglore at FOOD 52
Becoming Empty Like Mary This Advent, by Molly Farinholt at Radiant Magazine
How to Get 1000 Good Ideas without Trying Hard, by Leo Ho at Lifehack
Podcast: Managing Holiday Expectations, by Michelle and Lindsay at The Modern Lady Podcast
Blood of St. Januarius Fails to Liquefy on December Feast, by Hannah Brockhaus at CNA/CWR
Recollection: The Beating Heart of Prayer, by Dr. Timothy Herrman at Homiletic & Pastoral Review