“Sometimes the simplest things are the most profound.”

Blessed Mary Frances Schervier ~ Sorrowful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Mikaël Mouradian, Eparch of the Armenian Catholic Eparchy of Our Lady of Nareg
Where the Consonance Between Science and Religion Lies, by David Bentley Hart at Church Life Journal
The Holidays Don't Have to Be Stressful—See How Designer Lauren Liess Keeps It Simple, by at BH&G
Excerpt: We Begin to Fight, by Steve Karlen at TOH Blog
Filling the Void: Directionless Modern Spiritualities, by Fr. David Abernethy at Philokalia
From Closets to Subway Tile: How Previous Epidemics Impacted Home Design, by Elizabeth Yuko at Clever
How Toxic Leftism Killed the Vibrant Bon Appetite YouTube Channel, by Ellie Bufkin at The Federalist
Make a Stunning Holiday Dessert, by Kye Ameden at King Arthur Baking Company
Gimme Some Hellfire and Brimstone Preachers!, by Fr. Dwight Longenecker