“May we be led to the glory of heaven by the prayers of the Virgin Mary.”

Feast of the Immaculate Conception ~ Sorrowful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted, Bishop of Phoenix
Advent and Washington Crosses the Delaware, by Deacon Lawrence at The Way of Beauty
This Painter Is Reviving Baroque Art in Rome, by Solène Tadié at NCR
The Only Great Reset, by C.C. Pecknold at First Things
Notre-Dame Choir to Return to Fire-Damaged Cathedral for Christmas Concert, at CWR/CNA
What I Learned From Solving a 750-Piece Puzzle, by Gigi Shadid at The Imaginative Conservative
Vanilla Custard Slices, at Smitten Kitchen
Sustainable Fashion Company Finds Inspiration in Our Lady, by Theresa Civantos Barber at Aleteia
Immaculate Mary, Your Praises We Sing (and Style)!, at Meghan Ashley Styling