“I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.”

Saint Scholastica ~ Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Archbishop Leonard P. Blair of Hartford
The Benefits of the Family Table, by Jane E. Anderson and Den Trumbull at the American College of Pediatricians
See How a Home Stager Transformed a Wood-Paneled Family Room Into a Breezy Oasis, by Chelsea Greenwood Lassman at Apartment Therapy
Inside Planned Parenthood's Gender Factory, by Abigail Shrier at The Truth Fairy
5 Things I Bought Because of My French Teacher at Culinary School, by Rochelle Bilow at The Kitchn
Why Baltimore's Little Italy Is a Remarkable Organic Community, by Edwin Benson at Return to Order
World-Renowned Organist Buys a Nova Scotia Church, Pumps Out Bach in His Pajamas, by Mehek Mazhar at CBC News
Catholic Groups Announce Virtual Pilgrimage to Holy Land, at CNA
The $1 Medicine Cabinet Staple That Can Help Cure Your Sick Houseplants, by Molly Williams at Apartment Therapy