“Love is the key to the mystery. Love by its very nature is not selfish, but generous. It seeks not its own, but the good of others.”

Saint Raymond of Peñafort ~ Luminous Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Daniel E. Garcia of Monterey
Ohio Governor Signs Bill Requiring Women to Cremate or Bury Aborted Fetus, by Elizabeth Elizalde at New York Post
Carl Truman's Cultural Tour de Force, by Carl Olson at NCR
5 Ways to MakeYourself More Attractive to Potential Employers, From Your Couch, by Caroline Biggs at Apartment Therapy
Podcast: Understanding Postmodern "Social Justice" -- Darel Paul, by Thomas V. Mirus at Catholic Culture
An Exposition of the Relics of St. Norbert, by Gregory DePippo at New Liturgical Movement
Is this the Year my Spouse Will Finally Change?, by Denis Sonet at Aleteia
Lars Bolander's Swedish Farmhouse, at Habitually Chic
Wait for It, by Claire Dwyer at Even the Sparrow