“Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.”

Saint André Bessette ~ Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Joseph V. Brennan of Fresno
Vistas and Valleys: The Instructive Paths, Perspectives, of Maritain and MacIntyre, by Carrie Gress at Catholic World Report
The Meaning of Sacred Architecture, by Michael Rennier at Dappled Things
Organize and Store Your Christmas Decor Like a Pro, by Laura Gummerman at A Beautiful Mess
'Hillbilly Elegy' Affirms Liberating Power of Truth and Virtue, by Joan Frawley Desmond at NCR
Why We Desperately Need to Bring Back Vocational Training in Schools, by Nicholas Wyman at Forbes
Video: There's No Excuse for Abortion Unless You're Certain the Unborn Isn't a Person, by Peter Kreeft with Erik Manning at The Stream
A Week of Healthy-ish Comfort Food from Marisa Moore, by Kelli Foster at The Kitchn
Jewish Ritual Bath Dating to time of Jesus Found in Garden of Gethsemane, by Charles Collins at Crux
The Joy of Festivity Is not the Same as the Despair of Partying, by Jason Craig at Catholic Exchange